It’s bucketing down here – raining “cats ‘n’ dogs”! So much for Bev experiencing her first “summer” birthday!! Managed a two hour beach walk before the heavens opened……. It is still a pleasant 23° C though!

Hola! Blue sunny skies & the Mediterranean welcome us to Spain and Barcelona. Bruce is casting a weather eye over the Mediterranean. Camping Tres Estrellas is in Gava, about 20km south of Barcelona. We have a beach-side view. Less than 3m from the sand and 50m from the water!!. Continue reading Hola de España
Au revoir Paris!!! Bruce heads south, excited about visiting and experiencing life in the typical smaller French villages.
We have joined the France Passion, that allows you to stay overnight for free on private properties throughout France.
Continue reading Mark, Bev and Bruce – loving the “France Passion”
Bonjour, bonsoir, G’day, Howdy folks!!!
The first Sunday in April sees Paris come alive with activities. It is the awakening from the cold winter. All museums, gardens, chateaux, etc are open for free (first Sunday of every month). There was a garden/flower show in our area, horse racing carnival at the Hippodrome “La Dimanche Gallope” and the famous Paris Marathon.
Mais non!! Désespoir (despair)!
Mark loses his licence!!……
…. surely this doesn’t mean that poor “Bruce” will be at the hands of Bev now !!……..
Welll!! Bruce is perched on the banks of the Seine in Bois de Boulogne, Paris. He can see the Eiffel Tower from our site!! The barges and bateaux on the river are going about their business – right before his eyes!!..!! It is this close to Paris: click here. Continue reading Bruce hits Paris!!