Stage 5

Day      Wednesday 25 July 2018 – Stage 5

Thanks for all your well wishes for Bev, she is feeling rested and is armed with cold and flu tablets and two inhalers as we confidently depart Enns!

Start    Enns, Austria

Destination    Ardagger Markt, Austria

Distance Travelled     45km

Accommodation        Gasthof s’Schatzkastl …. overlooking the Donau!!

Weather         Hot, 30 degrees

Stage 5 heads inland, due to a small rough patch along the river, via St Pantaleon and skirts around the floodplain forests, providing a change of scenery before returning to the Donau after 10 kms.

We have noticed numerous references to past flood levels with the 2013 being the worst for 500 years. As we cycle we observe these small look-out towers dotted through the countryside – not sure what their purpose is….. any suggestions??

The attractive hillside town of Wallsee dates back to the 5th century. . . . 800 years later Wallsee castle / palace was built on the site and from 1859 it has remained in the family of the Austrian Emperor. Its ornate gates definitely make a statement of grandeur.

The terrain changes as we enter the region famous for its cider.

We are feeling hot and sweaty in the 32 degree heat as we roll to the end of stage 5 in Ardagger Markt. A cool shady spot for a drink is found – with many other cyclists – Mark spots some storks nesting above us too.

Yeah.!!… we are stage winners again and are rewarded with an amazing “room with a view”. Our Gasthaus (hotel) room for the night has panoramic views of the Donau !!. Sipping cold pear cider over dinner on the terrace….. this is the life!

7 thoughts on “Stage 5

  1. Fine to hear, that everything is o.k. with bev.
    Here in Erding we have the same hot, sunny wheather.
    It will become the summer of the century.
    And you are on your bike… Cross fingers for you.
    Frank with Steffi and Vincent

  2. Gidday Mark and Bev,they are observation boxes for the hunting season.

  3. Looks gorgeous. I definitely think you should get some gates like that for your place. 🙂

  4. Hi Bev,
    Speedy recovery for you ! what annoying that you were sick now.
    We hope you get better soon, so you can continue cycling together.
    Have fun next month and we see each other Spetember 9th !!
    Many greetings, Sjaak & Carla

  5. Wonderful scenery guys looks beautiful not many people around which is good for u.
    Glad to see Bev’s fitting fit again. Enjoy
    Thinking of u often glad alls going to plan.

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