Tag Archives: ebike

We Leggat to Lisboa

Our last week has been action-packed. Having extended our stay south on the Algarve meant we could meet up with “Aussie”” friends Will, Sandy and Sarah Leggat! IMG_5492They were staying in the world heritage town of Sintra, ½ hour west of Lisboa (Lisbon – capital of Portugal). Continue reading We Leggat to Lisboa

Paradise in Portugal

Now how does the old saying go….? When you’re on a good thing… stick to it!…. or in our case…  “When you’ve found the perfect place, stay there!!”

Leaving Spain and crossing west into Portugal we really had no preconceived expectations or ideas what to expect.IMG_5060

The landscape appears arid and scattered with bushes, cacti & few trees, many small towns appear “rough & ready’ & in need of TLC. The effect of the economic state of the country is reflected here. Buildings that were being built at the time of the GFC lie incomplete and a reminder of the dire situation faced by many. This was also evident in Spain – in Portugal it appears worse.

Continue reading Paradise in Portugal

Touchdown in London

After our safe touch down at Heathrow ten days ago everything has been all systems go!

We hired a beaut small Renault Clio for a week & headed straight to see “Bruce” at his English winter storage yard! He was thrilled to see us & very excited to be released from his confinement. We were wrapped when he revved up 1st turn of the key and also quite relieved his batteries survived the long cold winter. He was still lookingvery handsome! Continue reading Touchdown in London