It has been difficult to write this, our last blog entry of our 2014 “Gap Year” . . . 8 months of which has been in Europe !!





Where to begin (this is my third try)? . . . .we have been . . . . .



Before returning to London, we explored Bosham and Chichester with new friends John and June from Bognor Regis, West Sussex. We’d met them last week in a BritStop motorhome stay in Stratford-Upon-Avon – they are also keen motorhomers! We were shown their local area including Bosham, the small coastal village dating back to Roman times, historic Chichester with it’s 1,000 year old Cathedral (with humourous recently updated gargoyles) and the Market Cross – dating from 1501, a covered market place with clock!

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Heading back to London on Halloween we stopped at the Selsey Arms Inn where we were treated to a delicious pub meal by our friend Shelley . . . the friendly witch!IMG_2342IMG_2337

A wonderful weekend in Chiswick with Mike, Pinki and Pummy was full of fireworks … literally. Halloween and Guy Fawkes celebrations saw the skies come alive with colour & noise each night. No expenses spared here! November 5, in 1605, Guy Fawkes was discovered sitting in a room full of gunpowder below the Parliament buildings – he wanted the king removed!! More info here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guy_Fawkes

Dinner on the high street, rugby in the pub, then onto a comedy show where the last act, complete with huge cello had us in “stitches”!!IMG_2347 IMG_2354

IMG_2363Sunday we rugged up as the cold weather has set-in now, and take in the scenic Thames River & Chiswick gardens.


Learning about the culture and history of so many places has been intriguing . . . . however it has been the people who we’ve met along the way that make it so memorable . . . . . fellow travellers, “locals” & of course family in London, Scotland and Munchen (Whitney). We’ve found all nationalities friendly and helpful on our travels. Trying to communicate in their native language has been a struggle at times but always worth a try! or two! We are usually rewarded for our effort by a smile & pointed in the right direction …. or reply in English!?!IMG_2330

In the South of France, Cape D’Agde, whilst Bev was power walking each morning, she was stopped numerous times by cars and asked in FRENCH for directons!! . . . after two weeks there she even understood & pointed them droite (right) or gauche (left) !?!?!

Taking the plunge and pursuing this dream of ours has surpassed our expectations. We hope you have enjoyed living vicariously through our amazing adventure and perhaps we have inspired some of you to take a leap-of-faith and follow your dream!!

IMG_2375Sadly, we have tucked Bruce away safely in his nice, warm shed which will be his home over the UK winter. . . . . . there are still many uncharted roads to drive, hills to climb, people to meet that he has in is sights!






Excited to be boarding QF10 for home tomorrow!!






Some interesting STATS:

Kilometres travelled in Bruce 21,500
Bike Kilometres
 – Bev 1,300
 – Mark (including 800 on Camino) 2,300
Distance walked – A Lot
  …… worn out two pairs of runners!!
Photos taken 11,130
Photos shared on Blog 1,246
Coffees consumed – too many to count
Oui’s, Hola’s, & Merci’s said 1,000’s

Where we Stayed

Thanks to Bruce, our accommodation expenditure has been kept very low with numerous free camp-stops available to him. Here is a breakdown of where we stayed:

March April May June July August September October  Total
Campgrounds 8 21 18 20 2 16 20 2 107
France Passion Scheme 6 6 12
BritStops Scheme (hotel car parks) 14 14
Aire/CarPark/Wild Camping 2 3 6 6 29 9 10 3 68
Resort/Hotels 7 4 11
Friends Homes – Indoors 21 12 33
31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 245

Oct2014MAPDont forget to check out our Maps Page here : http://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=zq18rHevtQ8Q.kwUvdALdwVTo

12 thoughts on “QF10 LHR-MEL

  1. Blimey, time has flown by. It doesn’t seem two weeks since I was out hunting for Bruce with you! It looks like you have had a blast, and Bruce is all tucked up for the winter, waiting for you to nip back and enjoy more of this amazing lifestyle.

    Have a safe journey home, and thanks for sharing your adventure with us.

    Ju, J & Charlie x

  2. Fabulous! I am sad that this adventure has come to an end. (this stage anyway) I have definitely lived the adventure with you. I loved the pics and comments and have been fascinated with some of the places and people you have met and how you met them etc. New adventures ahead on the home front too! I hope we see you before too long xxxx

  3. You’re going to hate coming home! Have read most of your blogs (not all of them) and we are both very jealous. Have a safe trip home.
    Trevor and Jan Dalziell

  4. Thank god they’ve gone. Thought we’d never get rid of them. Xxx. (Bon voyage and what a laugh it’s been!)

    1. Hello Mike,
      I read your comment out to Bev without telling her who wrote it. She said “Was that Mike?”!!

      Have a great day and thank you very much for all your assistance,

      Mark and Bev

  5. Thanks for your marvellous travelogue ….it sets a new standard! Living all those experiences, meeting all those great people with you has been fun, educational and certainly (slightly) compensated for your absence! Haha. Looking forward to welcoming you home..XX..B&B

  6. Great to hear from you like the photos hope all well in Australia let us know when you are returning

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