When I was first asked if life was good as a Grey Nomad, I was shocked! I’m not one of THOSE!!!
Upon reflection, Mark is grey haired, a caravan is my home and we are nomadic for a few months at least. So YES, we are partly Grey Nomads!!
Our drive to Nelson Bay took 1 1/2 days. Whitney’s car went very well towing Jayco, bikes, kayaks, etc, etc. Over 1,100 km – but good conditions all the way.

We have had a lovely first week. Plenty of swimming, cycling & paddling. The weather has been varied – a lot more sun and warmth than rain. Only put a windcheater on one evening.
Looking at the headlines in the newspaper early in the week it was decided we won’t buy any for a while.
Mark flew to Brisbane for two days – SafetyQuip business. Bev was “forced” to enjoy cycling and the beach.

We went shopping at Coles one afternoon, rather than drive the extra distance to ALDI. Only needed a few essentials, but when dishwashing liquid was nearly $3, left Coles, went the extra distance to ALDI and spent our $100 much more wisely.
Friday was our 32nd wedding anniversary. In true holiday style, 3 hours was spent seeking a venue for dinner. We had three criteria. View over the water, good food and reasonable price. We discovered several that met 2 out of three. Eventually found a lovely 3 out of 3 in Shoal Bay – CATCH Restaurant. It was great.

(I definitely got the CATCH!!!)
Wednesdays and Saturdays the local Fruit/Veg truck sounds his CLAXON HORN in the caravan park. Good prices, good quality.

Mark tested this out at home. The real test was the 8km each way into Nelson Bay. Towing the Kayak worked well.