Wild, white horses & flamingoes!

Driving eastward again, we’re now in the amazing Camargue region, in the gorgeous village of Saintes Maries de la Mer. This place is truly amazing with its nature & so culturally interesting also.
We even notice all these wild, white horses in the wetlands on our way to the village.

This area has Europe’s largest delta, where the Rhone River meets the Mediterranean.
The Camargue spreads like a fan from the ancient Roman city of Arles, and in its folds lie green rice paddies, pink salt flats, marshes & wide beaches. Nearly 400 species of birds call it home, as do black bulls & the indigenous white horses tended by “guardians,” the local cowboys who bolster the regions Wild West reputation.

Excitedly we park Bruce, with about 40 other motorhome, in a designated area on the edge of the village, 15€ per night. Perfect spot too.
The village centre is probably the prettiest place we’ve visited this trip. So many beautifully decorated restaurants & shops.

This is quaint Hotel Mediterranean & it would be a great place for a French cultural experience. It’s in the middle of the village which is a great location.

The following day,  Mark drove Bruce into Arles, 50 minutes away, for 2 new front tyres & a new leisure battery! The 4th Tyre centre was able to assist him thankfully after lots of google translating etc. Mark installed the new “house” battery & they installed & balanced the tyres.
Yeah, Bruce feels like a new man….l mean motorhome!! No more steering vibrations for Mark!

Meanwhile, l meander through the small, interesting village streets. At a Cafè savouring my cafe allonge (long black coffee) this man casually rides his bike past with his white horse in tow! Quite surreal! Apparently, not an unusual sight here…..I was quick & lucky to get this pic!

The French Flamenco gipsy dancers can be seen parading through the village in their vibrant coloured dresses. They perform on stage throughout the day .

At this time of year, there are street horse parades twice a day & amazing horse shows in the main arena.The streets are lined with crowds to watch as the street procession passes by. Really special to witness this & l have amazing videos too!!


l counted about 100 white horses as they raced along the street freely, behind the cowboys! Unbelievable! It felt like the set of a Wild West movie, complete with wagons & music.

At the end of the Main Street they turn around & come back again. More clapping & cheering from the amused crowd.

It’s not long before the “poo collector” has taken to streets removing most of the horse evidence!? The French are very efficient & the crowd soon return to the streets again.

The Camargue white horse is often called the “Horse of the Sea” & has inhabited this region in south of France for thousands of years, along with black bulls & Pink Flamingoes.
Beautiful statues  & artwork adorn the village.

We discover the bull Arena! No bull action inside there today….just a bar with cold drinks.

In the horse arena we watch an amazing display of horse “dancing” with one young lady having total control of 7 horses, demonstrating skills of highest level!
She is riding bareback, in beautiful, flowing blue dress!

The traditional white horse performs amazingly to the music too.

Grabbing  our bikes, we cycle to the famous Pink Flamingoes at Parc Ornithologique to check out these magnificent birds.
We stroll along the paths & the vast 60 hectares of wildlife & nature.

There are so many elegant Flamingoes that I’m mesmerised & l take too many pics but these are the ones that made the cut.

They are pink from the algae that they eat & the healthiest ones are the pinkest, so they say.
We had no expectations of seeing so many flamingoes. There were 700 spotted here today it was noted on the visitors information board.

l was even able to get up close to pat this super pink, healthy one!?

It’s 14th July & Bastille Day today & Mark celebrates this by ordering his 1st ever seafood paella!

The fantastic fireworks definitely went off with a bang at 10pm!
Boy, they were sooo loud, l must be getting old!

A beautiful sunset, to end our wonderful experience here at Saintes Maries de la Mer. This is also on our “ return here” list for sure.

2 thoughts on “Wild, white horses & flamingoes!

  1. How wonderful u were there to see horse parade what an amazing town stepping back in time?
    Loved the flamingoes too incrediable

  2. Hi Bev.
    Wow, what an exhorting for you guys. I have just shared this with Karina, she just arrived in Montpelier yesterday in our motorhome and I’m sure she would enjoy this.

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