Fires & smoke!

Last year we decided we would include some TDF (Tour De France) stages/mayhem into our 2024 European adventure. Mark booked us in at a camping park in February, knowing it would be difficult to get a site during this time. So, here we are in welcoming Campimg de la Laune, a small, friendly, rustic but well maintained campground.

Bruce drives us through the tiny village in the Commune of Peillon, which is about 13 kms from the city of Nice.

We stop for some more pics & on further inspection, we notice in the background, a village perched high above on the rock face. This is the old, Iron Age village of Peillon.

It’s a relaxing, quiet Campground amongst the bush. We settle in next to a lovely couple, Jaqueline & Peter from the Netherlands.

Not long after we set up camp Mark smells smoke & we can see it up high behind the camp. It’s not so quiet now! Sirens from many firetrucks & police cars loudly echo through the camp as they fly past our campground. Water bombing helicopters and aircraft are soon joining the action, flying above us! The location of the wildfire is behind the small hill that can be seen from our vantage point. No one in the camp seems at all worried or concerned, so we aren’t either.

The commotion continues for a couple of hours before they seem to get it under control.

Apparently, there was a fire at the same place the night before & so it may have reignited. They definitely weren’t taking any chances for another repeat! The historically significant,  hilltop village of Peillon is too close for comfort! …..Also the TDF rides near here on Saturday. They station firetrucks  in the car park near us for the week, just in case…

The following day feeling assured that the fire is well & truly out, we trek up the hill to explore the ancient village of Peillon.

You can spot the village ahead up the hill here.

After 30 minutes we look down upon the campground & spot Bruce, taking it easy for once.

No Mark, we don’t want to see any more fires!!

It takes about 50 hot sweaty minutes & we made it! Yeah!

Boy, it’s so hot & I’m pleased to have my little fan to cool me somewhat!

The village is open to the public but no one is there today. We slowly explore along the lovely, ancient little laneways, stepping back in time. Parts are declared from the Iron Age! About 1,300 BC

Some people do live here but we only saw one lady on our walk.

Mark is standing in the middle of the old town square which is on the top of the village. The white building used to be a school until 1956 & until 1939 each pupil was asked to bring a log to school for the fire & heating.

We trek back down the hill to Bruce & discover he’s also super hot & in need of a cold shower!🥵

6 thoughts on “Fires & smoke!

  1. Wow it looked like no one lived there amazing to explore! Looks remote but good to know cities close at hand

  2. Incredible ancient village so high up and to think from 1300BC.
    Lovely pictures and luckily the fire stayed under control.

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