The Alhambra

Granada is well known for it’s famous Alhambra which is the best-preserved monument of the period of Arab/ Moors control of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal).
Alhambra is an UNESCO World Heritage site since 1984.

Alhambra is not a single building, rather a collection of palaces & fortifications that have been added to over the centuries. Each ruler trying to outdo his predecessor by grandeur. Originally it was a small fortress in AD 889 built on the remains of Roman fortifications.

With lots to discover & learn we decide an organised tour, in English, would be advantageous! So we all trek, following the leader, up the steep hill to find out more…..keeping to right is paramount here if you value our life!

Passing through the Gate of Pomegranates (see them on the top) we continue our trek up & l stop under the 13th century gateway to the Nasrid palace!



Our guide explains about these circular structures, that appear to be a well, but actually were dungeons for the worst offenders .….stealing a loaf of bread perhaps!?

Mark is so intrigued by the square dungeon he tries to get a closer look, maybe for skeletal remains! Ha! Ha!…. Luckily, there’s a steel grate which prevents a catastrophic event!

Here are the remains of the palace which show the structure & size of the palace rooms. Not as large as you would expect.

Spectacular, panoramic views from our high vantage point overlooking the city of Granada.



The Sierra Nevada mountains can be seen in the distance.

I’m in front of the Palace Nasrid & Mark admires the circular interior of the Palace of De Carlos V.

The beautiful Generalife gardens are lush & were the leisure area of the king’s & royalty.

In the 13th century the Nasrid Dynasty spelt out their messages & poems on the walls, arches & ceilings of the palaces. The blue colour signifies the oldest of the scripts.

Our young guide was very enthusiastic & knowledgeable about the Alhambra.

This tree below, was planted by Queen Isobela in 1492 from a seed that Christopher Columbus had brought back from his discovery voyage of America!! ……Amazing!

After an interesting, enjoyable tour, down we go through, more archways into the city of Granada.




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