San Sebastián 2024

Hola! We’re back again! …..Bruce has driven us safely up through the mini forest to our peaceful pitch at Camping Igara!

We chat to fellow motor homers, Sheridan & Patrick from UK, and we decide to catch the free camp shuttle bus into San Sebastián together the following morning. La Concha beach is beautiful & the sand artists are busy at work ….when the tide is out!

We are amused by these larger than life, cultural dance performancer in the old square.

During the week we bike ride into San Sebastián with Su & Pete who have arrived now! Somehow Mark ends up at the Reale football Arena ……not our intended destination!

Locking up our bikes on the promenade we explore the old town, walk past these colourful little fishing boats & enjoy some liquid refreshments in the square.

The weather is mild & so we venture up the hillside to Mount Urgull. In the picture you can spot the large statue of Jesus Christ on the hilltop …..that’s where we hope to end up!

It’s quite a steep trek with many steps & finally through this mysterious little doorway & we’ve made it!

Wow! Spectacular views in all directions of the beach & city of San Sebastián!

Mark enjoys a rest under the statue of Jesus! There’s an interesting museum with interesting facts about the battles fought here throughout history!

We stumble across this tiny arrow pointing to a stairwell & a sign “Bar!”

So down we go & it opens up to this quaint little hilltop bar with amazing water views too! It would be rude not to partake in what’s offering ….. including a bowl of Spanish olives!

Meandering back to our bikes along the beach promenade & Mark has a chat to this cute little chap!

Have l mentioned there’s a 5 star swimming pool here ??…..of course l have!  Can’t believe l have it to myself today !

Hope you all appreciate that I’m madly treading water trying to stay afloat in this last pic ….. just for you all!! Ha Ha!


9 thoughts on “San Sebastián 2024

  1. Hi Bev & Mark & Aussie Bruce,
    Welcome Back in europe. Hope you have a nice stay here, with many great impressions and you can enjoy the relaxing way of living in the south . WE are back again from istria and wait for our summer Holiday in August/September in istria/croatia. Have a nice time. Steffi, Frank and Vincent ( now 11 years old) the time runs :-)))

  2. Hi Bev and Mark,
    the pictures are beautiful!
    And Bruce is looking younger than ever, you too :))
    We wish you a super holiday,
    Edith and Martin

  3. “Legerdemain” means perfect. Auto correct got it a bit wrong. Whitney said you are going to Majorca, are you trading the motorhome?

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