Exploring further afield from San Sebastián

Let’s explore further afield today!
We jump in a taxi at 9am to the underground central bus station in central San Sebastián.
You have two choices:
join Mark on his one and a quarter hour bus trip to explore the city of Bilbao, or come with Su, Pete and yours truly to the quaint seaside village of Saint Jean de Luz, only 40 minutes away! Mmmm……decisions!?

However, there is a small hiccup to our plans!……

After waving to Mark as he leaves in his coach to Bilbao, at the designated time, we wait, and wait and wait for our BlaBlaCar coach to arrive!
There is a Spanish lady also waiting with us and says not to worry,” that coach line is always late!” With a name, no joke, like BlaBlaCar, we shouldn’t have been surprised! After waiting an hour & half we presumed it must be cancelled & left! 

However, looking on the bright side, Su and I now have an opportunity to enjoy and admire the many shops and clothing boutiques in San Sebastian. We are very excited & surprised when we find a lovely boutique with prices that won’t break the budget either. After purchasing some wonderful new holiday attire, we head to the nearest cafe to celebrate with a cuppa and delicious Spanish cheesecake!

Now, if you have chosen to join Mark on his tour of Bilbao there is a warning. You must be prepared to wear your best quality walking shoes for the 27,000 steps that are required on his expedition!

Here are the highlights of his self-guided tour of Bilbao.

The big attraction to Bilbao is the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, a museum of modern and contemporary art. It is one of several museums affiliated to the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation and features permanent and visiting exhibits of works by Spanish and international artists. It was inaugurated on 18 October 1997 by King Juan Carlos I of Spain, with an exhibition of 250 contemporary works of art. It is one of the largest museums in Spain.


The following day Mark excitedly drives us all in Aussie Bruce to Saint Jean De Luz ! 

All aboard, buckle up, we’re off to France for the day!

It’s an enjoyable drive mainly on the freeway, until…..oh no, this may present a challenge ?

Breathe in everyone, with some luck Bruce may just manage to squeeze through that tiny tunnel !? 

Phew, we made it! That’s a close call! Bruce is not so happy with the GPS taking us this route!

Saint Jean De Luz is a beautiful fishing port on the Basque coast and a popular tourist destination too. It has an attractive, sandy beach complete with interesting Surf Patrol boxes, a Lighthouse and lovely architecture along the promenade.

Beautiful architecture of the Hotel De Ville.

The Basque language is quite a challenge to read or pronounce. We don’t even try !

We admire the colourful artists displays. I find a boutique for some new “must have” stylish French bathers & Mark is amused when discovers the Australian Billabong label is also popular beachwear in Spain too!


It must be lunchtime as the boys, Mark and Pete, have been busy buying up baguettes at the Boulangerie which we enjoy down on the seafront.

Our walk takes us back along the port and we find this fishing vessel named after our beautiful daughter-in-law Morgan! You may need to brush up on your fishing skills Captain Morgan!

Bruce delivers us safely back at our camping where we visit Restaurante Mario’s for dinner. Su & I shared the seafood Paella…..when in Spain! Tomorrow, we head off in different directions, so we celebrate our fun times together tonight!


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