Highland holiday a Highlight!!

Scotland was awesome…. we even participated in the “Highland Games” …… ?!?!more about this later!?


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With our experienced local tour guides (a.k.a. Kate and Al) leading the way, we explore trails through head high ferns, heather, along tranquil lochs (lakes), up to hilltop monuments & historic Iron Age forts. Sunny, cold and rainy conditions prevailed! …. What? Are we back in Melbourne’s weather already??

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Savouring the culinary Scottish specialities each night at Rowan Cottage was “heaven”! Master Chef Extraordinaire, Alistair Fleming, treated us to mouth watering pork belly……. Haggis sprinkled with Dalwhinnie Whiskey and a gourmet selection of delectable desserts!!


Feeling delightfully “full” & relaxed, Kate suggested its time for the “Highland Games” ? ….. Oh……Ok, why not!!.. Its also called the “AFTER EIGHTS” game! Have you heard or played it? It is extremely difficult and takes a lot of skill & perseverance.

Are you thinking BRAVEHEART yet ?!?

There are three requirements. 1 – box of AFTER EIGHTS after dinner mints. 2 – group of friends/family with a crazy sense of humour! 3 – most importantly – camera to capture the moment!!

The aim of the game is to slide the after 8 mint from your forehead down your cheek to your mouth using only your facial expressions and muscles!! No Hands!! Sounds easy!!!! …. . . try it for yourselves. . . . hilarious entertainment and we were all eventual winners! We “had” to continue until all mints were accounted for of course!!

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IMG_1507Bruce had a good “pampering” at Macormacks Garage too. Two tyres, new timing belt, oil and all filters will see him right for a while to come.


Leaving Laggan after a wonderful week with Kate and Al we point Bruce to the west coast of Scotland – Isle of Skye.


IMG_1448Approaching the Island (Isle) we’re reminded in 3 languages to drive on the LEFT side of the road! Luckily Bev isn’t driving as after 6 months of RIGHT side of the road she finds it strange to do this!!?!

This island has a rugged, stark beauty and feels isolated and remote . . . . no phone or internet coverage for two days either!  In the middle of nowhere an old-fashioned red public phone booth appears . . . apparently in working order too!



IMG_1590We kept bumping into the blue Royal Bank of Scotland Mobile Bank truck on our travels. He didn’t seem to get many customers that day.





Dunvegan castle has been home to the MACLEOD clan (family) for 800 years and displayed many portraits of previous “MACLEODS”. Spectacular view from the castle windows too.

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Look what we discovered in a village folk museum: however not for sale!!IMG_1318



3 thoughts on “Highland holiday a Highlight!!

  1. Looks like a great time! We’re heading up to scotland ourselves in a few weeks!

    Joe & Verena

  2. Ah I went to school at Macloed high and near by is the Dunvegan estate! Small world

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